News: Announcements
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Mentor Training Sessions
Our second Mentor Training Session, facilitated by Laura Rico-Beck, is February 27th at 2pm in GCIS ESB36. This session will feature faculty guests Brent Doiron and Stephanie Palmer.

APS March Meeting – Squishy Science Sunday
For anyone attending March Meeting, the Sunday before, March 16th, is Squishy Science Day. This is an opportunity to do public outreach, like the South Side Science Festival or Physics with a Bang!

Mentor Training Sessions
Our first Mentor Training Session, facilitated by Laura Rico-Beck, is January 31st at 2pm in GCIS E123. This session will feature faculty guests Aaron Dinner and Jasmine Nirody.

Physics with a Bang! – Volunteer Opportunity
On Saturday, December 7th, the CLS will be helping participate in Physics with a Bang! Please let Rachel Strom know if you are interested in helping with demos and an open house in GCIS. Volunteering is from 10am-5pm. The link to details is here.

Mentor Training Opportunity
In early 2025, Laura Rico-Beck will facilitate 2 mentoring sessions for postdocs. Please use this form to sign up and indicate which time is preferred for both days.

CLS-CNRS Collaboration
CLS received a $50,000 award from the France Chicago Center to support student/postdoc mobility for four projects we proposed and fund a workshop on Physics of Living Systems in Paris, France!

Upcoming: Physics Pedagogy Colloquia – 11/21/24 & 4/24/2025
As part of one of the CLS goals to examine culture and practices of Physics education, we’ve invited two experts on these topics to give a Physics Colloquium. Geraldine Cochran is speaking on 11/21/2024 and Catherine Crouch will be visiting on 4/24/2025. Prof. Cochran is an Associate Professor at U. Ohio and will be speaking on “Understanding the Community Cultural Wealth of Physics Graduate Students and Implications for Graduate Programs.”

Call for Volunteers for Inaugural CLS Trainee Advisory Committee
We are looking for 1-2 more volunteers, preferably theory/computation student(s)/postdoc(s), who are interested in launching the CLS Trainee Advisory Committee and the Trainee Seminar and Coffee Hours in 2025.

CLS Seminar and Townhall

CLS activities starting up this quarter
The CLS QBio journal club - meetings will be held every other Friday at 2pm in GCIS E223. Join the listserv for future updates and sign up here to volunteer as a presenter.
The CLS Chalk Talks series - talks will be every other Friday at 12pm in GCIS E223. Join the listserv for future updates and sign up here to volunteer as a presenter.

Apply for CLS Postdoctoral Fellowship
Please advertise our CLS Postdoctoral Fellowship and encourage outstanding junior colleagues to apply! Deadline is November 1, 2024.