The CLS leads activities in physics education and human resource development centered around the needs of our research community and those of our local neighborhood.

Biological Physics Education
We are developing materials for biological physics education, from advanced undergraduate through graduate levels. To identify needs of the community, we held a summit in June of 2024 and are currently following up on recommendations from the meeting, all details pertaining to the summit can be found here.
Biological Physics/PoLS Pedagogy Fellowship- We seek individuals committed to building curricular materials for courses on biological physics/physics of living systems. Click here to learn more.
Public Outreach
We love to bring the mysteries of biological physics to the general public.
The CLS participates in science festivals in our neighborhood, including South Science Science Festival and Physics with a Bang! Both festivals are built upon student run demos that focus on communicating scientific concepts to audiences of all ages.
As we develop and hone demos that convey biological physics concepts, we will upload them for public viewing and usage for all age groups in different settings.

Professional Development
The CLS offers professional development sessions for our trainees, including Graduate Mentor Training and Productive Postdoc Conversations.
There are also trainee run activities, including Chalk Talks and QBio Journal Club.
For more information regarding CLS activities, see our Information and Policies document.
Physics of Living Systems research community
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS): UChicago actively engages with CNRS by exchanging student and faculty to support international collaborations. Approximately a third of the CLS faculty have ongoing projects with France-based researchers.
Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL): The CLS actively sends researchers to MBL to collaborate and participate in ongoing research and educational programs. As the CLS grows, we will continue to sustain and expand this collaboration.